This is a FAQ on problems of the ear

Q:If a small child presents with foreign body imaction in the ear to a family physician,what should be the ideal management?

A:A foreign body in the ear is usually never an emergency.Hurried removal can cause more damage than a planned procedure.Usually,general aneasthesia is neccesary and the foreign body must be removed under nicroscopic control.

A rounded foreign body like a smal steel ball causes more problem because of difficulty of holding it in the ear canal.Sharp organic foreign body like paddy seed can enter into the middle ear after perforating the tympanic membrane.Removal of foreign body from middle ear is a difficult task and needs hospital admission and genreal aneasthesia.

Q:How will you treat recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland?

A:Basically,recurrence occurs due to previous due to fault in previous surgical procedure itself which is mostly enucleation.Thus,a second surgery should be more planned,facial nerve must be identified and superficial parotidectomy is to be done.

Q:What is the most common cause of earache in middle-aged patients in India?

A:Otitis Externa is the most common cause of earache in middle-aged patients in India.In middle-aged patients,diabetes mellitus must be excluded by blood sugar estimation.

Q:How can noise pollution during Durgapuja,Diwali,Kalipuja,Bonfire NIght,etc. be reduced?
A:Some steps for reduction of noise pollution during events like these can be reduced using the following steps:
-Avoiding loudspeakers as much as possible.
-Avoiding fireworks which produce noise level above 65DB